Flat Land for sale @ Malabe

Reference ID  -  MLB - 21.5
Location  -  Malabe - near Malabe,Athurugiriya main rd
Property Type  -  Bare(empty) Land
Size of Land  -  26.31 perches
Floor Area  -   sq,ft
Availability  -  Urgent sale


21.5 Laks
2.15 Millions
14835 USD
Per Perch
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Contact name:Kumara Pitigala
Contact No:0760 300 600
0712 300 600
0723 300 600
Hotline:0777 420 980
Contact time:6 a.m. - 12 (mid-night)
0767 820 980

Flat Land for sale @ Malabe
Extent of  land -  
26.31 perches
Can Buy as separate 3 Blocks (7.78 +8.77 + 9.76)
This property has enough space to build 3 houses

Location -
200 m to Malabe,Athurugiriya main rd
(near Malabe Glomark)
1.3 km to Malabe city limit
2.3 km to Athurugiriya Highway entrance

Access Road  -
20 feet wide concreet road in front of the Land
Having two entrances to the Land

Background -
Calm & quiet Peaceful area
per perch   - 21.5 Laks (Negotiable)
0760 300 600 (W / V / i)
0712 300 600
0723 300 600
Email - info@kpproperty.lk